Thank you, Autumn, for articulating this so well. I resist thinking about my creativity as "content." There is no connection to a higher state of being without thoughtfulness, arising from both our conscious and unconscious thoughts.

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I just wanted to also say that I really enjoy your poetry and essays about your career as a doctor. Your writing is very inspiring.

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Thank you, Deborah. I agree with you. Thanks for reading and commenting.

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Jun 14Liked by Autumn Widdoes

This made me think about how there really is no common pop culture anymore. There is on a more quiet, micro-social (I'm probably making up terms here) level. But there are no big things everyone agrees on. No movies or music or books. It seems pop culture has been balkanized and replaced with outrage politics.

Great essay and a lot of observations I think are accurate.

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Thank you so much, Ray. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I think so much about these issues I had to write something about them. You're an excellent writer / journalist, so this comment means a lot.

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